Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Remember The Milk, one...

Remember The Milk, one of the most beautiful to do list, if you have never tried out Remember The Milk try it out now, you just integrate it with the new g-mail and it gives the most useful task list that you can find in the interface is grade, there are multitude of options, you can categorize, you can even set it up to do project planning instead of just simple to do list. listen

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Catcher for Christmas

This morning my son, who is 5, didn't want to go to school. He told me that it was because this girl, Maggie was bothering him. She didn't let boys play with her and made the rule, "No boys allowed." So, I asked my son what would make it OK for him to go to school today and he said, "If I had a catcher." I could not figure out what in the world he meant by a catcher. I asked him, "What kind of catcher," and he said, "A Maggie catcher."

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Changing the Color of the Inbox Label in Gmail

I have read a ton of blog posts today about Gmail's new function of colored labels.

I was happy for two minutes until I saw this ugly gray box at the top of my email: "Inbox".

I realized that the default label for any email is "Inbox", but currently you cannot change the color of that label. Why did Google miss this function? Why did they pick such a horrible default color? I probably would not have even noticed the "inbox" lable if it had not been such a glaring eyesore on the otherwise beautiful GMail page.

I have already emailed Google with this issue. Hopefully, bringing it to their attention will get it fixed quick. If not, please write your own email to build up support.


Season versus Holiday...

Season versus Holiday Season versus Shopping Season. Why are so obsesses with what shopping season we are in? When we hardly pay attention to what season we're in and we only get excited about the weather when it's becomes a potential obstruction or listen

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